Meet the Owner

Erin O’Neill, LMT

Welcome to my practice! I love helping other women through it all. I’m a wife and a mom, and I know it gets stressful. We are expected to handle a lot and I hope to add some calm and rejuvenation to your life.

I first realized that I wanted to help people and ease their pain, when I witnessed my Grandfather’s health deteriorate in his old age. He relied on a walker and I saw him struggle with knee and leg pain, which took a toll on his quality of life. I chose to pursue massage therapy as a career so that I could make a difference in people’s lives.

I graduated from Rizzieri School for the Healing Arts in 2015, and loved every second of my education. I love that I am constantly able to learn and hone my craft as a massage therapist, even 8 years after graduating!

I’m naturally introverted, and love to listen and observe people. I’ve always felt very much in-tune with others, and can pick up on how someone feels by the way they walk and their body language.